Latest News

  •   List of Essay Writing 1st Winners From Various Colleges in Telangana State & Eligible For Zonals View Result
  •  Result For PM SKILL INDIA MISSION 2020-21 View Result
  •  Result For PM SKILL INDIA MISSION 2021-22 View Result
  •  Zonal Results(South Zone)- Sudoku List of Eligible Candidates for Nationals View Result
  •  National level winners from 1 to 1000 members New
  •  Government of India ( central government ) will provide prize money and scholarships and also provide contributions for business opportunities to the winners New
  •  Selection process :National level top 1000 winners from PM SKILL INDIA MISSION have been selected from each respective competitions As.. Quiz, Elocution, Sudoku, Cross word , Word search Essay writing Examination Short film Poster making Photography Project submission Etc… New
  •   Certificates and prizes will be provided for first second third winners in each competition from PM SKILL INDIA MISSION level competitions… In addition a special cash prize will be awarded to one overall winner at college level… New
  •   In the year 2023 -2024 Government of India will provide budget and investments for those who have won 1 to 1000 national level PM SKILL INDIA MISSION competitions. New
  •  Announcement 📢 College level over all winner/champion should be represent from respective college to above levels of competitions conducted by PM SKILL INDIA MISSION New

In Focus

Follow The Simple Steps

Five Stage of Competition

Stage of Competition

Stage 1College Level

By conduct exams in colleges, we select the top three students.

Stage of Competition

Stage 2Division Level

We will conduct district level exams and take them to state level.

Stage of Competition

Stage 3Zonal Level

All India competition among selected students from district level.

Stage of Competition

Stage 5National Level

Only state level exam winners will be eligible for national level exam.

Stage of Competition

Stage 4State Level

State level competition among selected 3 students from different colleges.

Rewards & Prizes

Scholarships For All India Rankers

National level winners from 1 to 1000 members

Government of India ( central government ) will provide prize money and scholarships and also provide contributions for business opportunities to the winners


Skill Sets


Successfully Placed


Programs Delivered


Happy Students

Events Conducted

Our Associate Partners

Winners / Toppers From Respective Colleges